July 13, 2018
"Marketers need to target the right people, with the right message, at the right time, in the right place. We need to gauge how they might change day-to-day and frame our messaging accordingly.
At RAPP, we call this Adaptive Persuasion, the ability to adapt our marketing approach on the fly according to the context of our customer, their personal make-up right down to their personality profile and their personal heuristics at that moment.
Many of the ground-breaking techniques in AI that drive Adaptive Persuasion can be traced way back to Alan Turing’s “Intelligent Machinery” of 1948 – but now we have the computer processing power to bring these algorithms to life. Not only that, but we can do it at affordable prices.
Unfortunately, we’re not doing it anywhere near enough: while 69% of consumers want personalized experiences, only 40% of brands are attempting to provide them."
Read more with The Drum.